Stop dreaming and start creating unforgettable retreats

A 3-month course + live group mentoring that will guide and provide you with the tools you need to lead unique, impactful and successful retreats.

Next Intake, Oct 2024

Who is this course for?

+ Yoga, wellbeing and spirtual practitioners

+ Creatives (Writers, Artists)

+ Mentors and Coaches

Is this course right for me?

Do you dream of creating your own retreats but have no idea where to begin?

Would you benefit from being guided through the full a to b process of creating retreats?

Would you benefit from a sense of collaboration, community and supportive accountability so you can keep moving forward in the process?

Do you find admin overwhelming and would love the convenience of having the retreat starter pack at your finger tips with 30 venue location ideas and logistic templates at the ready so you can begin the process smoothly?

And most importantly..

Do you feel that burning desire to create more creativity, flexibility and financial freedom into your work, along with gifting your community with all the transformative magic that retreats bring?

If yes, this course is for YOU!

What included?

 + Group Voxer Support Tuesday-Thursday 

+ The Retreat Starter Pack  

+ 6 Live One Hour Group Zoom Sessions

+ One bespoke 1:1 pre-retreat launch

+ Action points and reflections to complete in between  

+ Branding Master Class

+ Opportunity to assist me on retreat in 2024

(subject to availability) 

+ A super generous discount on a retreat of your choice in 2024 

+ Access to an expert network of branding, business, and 

creatives to help build your dream retreat

+A group in-person event to close the course

  • £760

  • Have all the tools, claritfy and confidence to create and lead your own retreats

  • - A template of 30 retreat venues

    -Outreach email templates to venues

    -Sample Markerting Calender

    -Checklists for pre, during & post your retreat

    -Example sales page sequence for your retreat page

    - Reflections for journalling

    -Template registration forms

Month 1

    • Ideation & Creation

    • Creating Community

    • Clarity & Reflections

    • Market Research

    • Outreach To Venues

Month 2

    • Branding Masterclass

    • Strategy For Launching

    • HeartLed Selling

    • Logistics and Pricing

Month 3

    • Sequencing Impactful Retreat

    • Pre + During Retreat Preparations

    • Post Retreat Actions